
??????? Black Metal ??????????? Mayhem `

ตั้งกระทู้ใหม่   ตอบกระทู้    กลับหน้าแรกกระดานข่าว -> ????????
ผู้ส่ง ข้อความ
Yngwie J. Malmsteen

เข้าร่วมเมื่อ: 27 เมย. 2008
ตอบ: 22
ที่อยู่: ??????????????????????????????

ตอบตอบ: อาทิตย์ เมย. 27, 2008 3:22 pm    ชื่อกระทู้: ??????? Black Metal ??????????? Mayhem ` ตอบกระทู้ด้วยเครื่องหมายคำพูด(quote)

????????????????????????????????? Black Metal ????????????????? ??????? Mayhem ??????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ????? ??????? ???????????????? ????????????????????? ??????????????????????? ???????????????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????? Black Metal ??? ?????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????? Black Metal ???????????? ????????????????????? ????????????????????? ????????? ??????????????????????????????????
???????????? Mayhem ???????????????? ?????????????? ???? 84 ?????????????????????? 16 ??
Oystein Aarseth ???????????????????????????????????? Euronymous ???????? Necrobutcher (Jom Stubberud) ??????????????? Mayhem (Kjetil Manhelm) ??????????? ????????????????????????????????????? Metal ????????????????????????????? ??????????? L.A. Metal ????????????????????? ???? Thrash Metal ??????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Black Metal ???? Mayhem ??????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????? ???? ??? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? ? ??? Cover ???????????????? ???? Venom, Celtic Frost, Bathory ?????????????????????????? ???????????????? 86 ??? Voice of the Tortured Skull Demo 5 ???????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????? Black Metal ??? Venom ???????? Cover (???????????????????????????????????????????) ????????????????????????????????????????????? Pure Fucking Armageddon ??? Carnage ??????????? ?????? ?????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????
Pure Fucking Armageddon Rehearsal ??????????????????????? Voice of the Tortured Skull ???????? (????????? Voice of the Tortured Skull ??? Black Metal ???????????? Mayhem ??????) Euronymous ??????????????????????????? Thrash Metal ?????????????????????? ???????? Venom ??? ????????????????? ????????????? Mayhem with Mercy ?????????? Welcome to Hell ??????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????? ?????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????? Mayhem ?????????????????????? Messiah ?????????????? ????????????????? ? ???????????? Underground ?????????? ??????? 2 ??????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????? 2 ????????????????? (Slide Fuck & Slide Off) ??????????????? Pure Fucking Armageddon ??????????? Demo ?????????????????? ???????????????????? Maniac (Sven Erik Kristiansen) ??????????????????????????? ??????????? Mayhem ?????????? Black Metal ???????????????????????? 89 ?? Demo ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????? (Maniac Prods.) ??? Death Rehearsal ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????? Demo ?????????????????????????????????? Posecorpse ???????????? ??????????????????????????????????? Deathcrush ?????????????????????? Mini ??????????????? ????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????? ????????????????????????? ? Black Metal ? ???????????????????????? ??????? Deathcrush ????????????? Maniac ??? Mayhem ????? Mayhem ????????????????????????????????????????
Hellhammer (Jan Axel Bloberg) ??????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????
????? ????????????????????????????????????? Dead (Per Yngve Ohlin) ???????????????
Death Metal ????????????? Morbid ?????????? ????????????????????????????????????? Demo (December Moo 87 ??? Last Supper 8Cool ???????? ????????????????????????? Death Metal ??????????????????? Metalhead ????????????????????????????? ???????? December Moon ??????????????????????????????????????????? Dead ?????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????? Mayhem ?????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Euronymous ????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????? Dead ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????? Dead ?????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ????????? Mayhem ????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????? ? ???? ???????????? Lillehammer, Sarpsbarg, Jussheim ?????????????? Zeitz ??? Leipzig ????????????????? ??????? ????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????
Black Metal ??????????? Bootleg ??? Mayhem ????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? Black Metal ??????????????? ????????????? ? ?????????????? Euronymous ??????????????????? ????????? lnner Clrcle ???????????????? Samoth, Foust ???? Emperor, Count Grishnakh (Varg Vikernes) ???? Burzum ?????????????????????? ?????????????????????? Helvete ??????????????????????? ?Hell ? ????????????? ????????????????????????????? Deathlike Sillence Productions ??????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Dead ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 8 ?????? ?? .91 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????? Hellhammer ??? Euronymous ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????? Euronymous ????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ( ??????????????????????????????????????? Dawn of the Black Heart 95) ?????? Hellhammer ??????????????????????????????????????? Black Metal ???????????? Mayhem ????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? Necrobutcher ?????????????????????????????? ??????? Mayhem ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? 93 ????
Live in Leipzig ????????????????????????? Dead ?????????? ???????????????? Euronymous ???????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ???? Occultus (Stian Johansen) ???????? ??. ???????????????????????? Sepulchral Noize ??????????????? Thy Abhorrent ?????????????? Blackthorn (Snorre Ruch) ??????????? Thorns ???????? Black Metal ????? Count Grisnackh ??????????? Buzum ???????????????????????? Black ?????????????????????????? Tormentor ????????? ??????? Demo ???????????? 2 ??? ??? 7th Day of Doom ??? Anno Domini ???? 88 (????????????????????????????????????????? Noctumal Art Prods. ???? 95) ???????????????????? Attilla Csihar ????????????????? Euronymous ????????????? ??????????????????????? Tormentor ?????????? DSP ????????????????????? Attilla ????????????????????????????????????? ????????????? Mayhem ???????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ???? 93 Euronymous, Hellhammer, Attilla ?????????????? Count Grisnackh ????????????????????????????????? De Mysterils Dom Sathanas ??????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ??????????????? 2 ???????????????? 10 ??????? ?? 93 ?????????????????????????????????????????????? Euronymous ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 25 ?????????? ????????? ????? Count Grisnackh ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????? Black Metal ??????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? ????????????? DSP ??????????????? Black ?????????????????????? ????????????????????? Helhammer ????????????? De Mysterils Dom Sothanas ?????????? ????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? Black Metal ????????????????????? ????? Mayhem ?????????????? ???????????????????????????????? Count Grisnackh ????????????????????????? 21 ?? ???? Attilla ??? ???????????????????????? ?????????? Black Metal ?????
?????????????????????? Aborym ?????? Hellhammer ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? ????????????????????? ????????????????? Arcturus ???????????????????????????? 86 ???? Morten ?????????????????????? ??????????????? The Kovenant ????????? 99 ? 03 ?????????? lmmortal ???? 99 ?????????????????????????? Thorns, Troll (Nor), Shining (01-04), Ulver, Winds (Nor) Dimmu Borgir, Age of Silence ????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? Black Metal ??????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????? Darkthrone, Emperor, lmmortal, etc. ??? Mayhem ?????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????? Mayhem ????????????????? ???????????? Dead ????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? Euronymous ???????? ??????????? Underground ???????? ???????????????????????? ? ???????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? Picture Disc ???????????????????????? (800 ????) ???????? (1,000 ????) ??? Out from the Dark 96 ????????? Black Metal Recs. ???????? Freezing Moon 97 (Pic Dise) ????????????????? ??????????????????? Pure Fucking Amageddon ??????????????? Die Hard ???? 97 ??????? ?????????????? A tribute to the Black Emperors 94, Dawn of the Black Heart ?95 ??? From the Darkest Past 97 ??????????????????????? (3 ?????????????????????????????????? Dark Angel Rec.) ?????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? Dead ??? Euromymous ??????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Helhammer ????????????? Metal ???????? ??????????????? Mayhem ??????????? ???? 95 ????????????????????????????? Necrobutcher ??? Maniac ?????? ????????????????????????? Blasphemer (Rune Erickson) ?????????????? Aura Noir ?????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ??? Mayhem ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? EP 5 ??????? Wolf?s Lair Abyss ???? 97 ?????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????? ??????????? Euronymous ?????????????? ???????? Mayhem ???????????????????????????????????? ??????????? ???????????????????????????? ? ??????????? ?????????????????? Bootleg ?????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ???????? Hellhammer ???????????????????????????????????? ???? Maniac ??????????????????????????? Mayhem ??????????? ???? 99 ????????????????????????????? Eibon ??????? Killijoy (Necrophagia, The Ravenous, Viking Crown, etc.) Anton Crowiey ???? Philip Anselmo (Pantera, Down, Superjoint Rituat, etc.) Satyf (Satyricon, Storm, Wongraven, etc.) ??? Fenriz (Darkthrone, lsengard, etc.) ???? 2000 ?????????????????? ??????????????????????? Mayhem ?????????? Season of Mist ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Grand Declaration of War ?????????????? ???????????????? Mayhem ????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? Black ???????? ? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????? Mayhem ??????????? ?????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????? ?????????????????? ??????????????????? Chimera ???? 2004 ?????????????????????????? Maniac ??????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? Mayhem ???????????? Euronymous ??????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ??????????????? ?????????????????? ???????????? Black Metal ???????????? ??????? Mayhem ??????????? ??????? ???? 2005 ??????????????????????????????? Mayhem ????????? Attila ?????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Attila ??? ????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? Anno domini ??? Tormentor ?????????????????????? Black Metal ?????? ???????????????????? De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas ?????????????????? Black Metal ???????? Aborym, Korog, Anaal Nathrakh, Finnugor, Kaos Logic, Limbonic Art, Northpole ??????????????

?????????????? ?

Genre : Old School War Black Metal

??????? : ??????????????????????????? ?????? ??????? ????????????????????????????

??????? : Oslo - Langhus ?????? Norway ?? 1984

?????? : Season of Mist

???????????? :
Pure Fucking Armageddon (Demo) 1986

1. Voice of a Tortured Skull
2. Carnage
3. Ghoul
4. Black Metal (Venom Cover)
5. Pure Fucking Armageddon
6. Mayhem (Instrumental Rehearsal)
7. Ghoul (Instrumental Rehearsal)
8. Pure Fucking Armageddon (Instrumental Rehearsal)
9. Carnage (Instrumental Rehearsal)

Voice of a Tortured Skull (Demo) 1986

1. Voice of a Tortured Skull
2. Carnage
3. Ghoul
4. Black Metal (Venom Cover)
5. Pure Fucking Armageddon

Deathrehearsal (Demo) 1987

1. Chainsaw Gutsfuck (Dedicated to Killjoy)
2. Necrolust
3. Deathcrush
4. California ber Alles (Dead Kennedys Cover)
5. Intro
6. California ber Alles (Dead Kennedys Cover)
7. Necrolust
8. Witching Hour (Venom Cover)
9. Chainsaw Gutsfuck
10. Deathcrush
11. Witching Hour (Venom Cover)

Deathcrush (EP) 1987

1. Silvester Anfang
2. Deathcrush
3. Chainsaw Gutsfuck
4. Witching Hour (Venom Cover)
5. Necrolust
6. (Weird) Manheim
7. Pure Fucking Armageddon
8. Outro

Live in Leipzig (Live) 1993

1. Deathcrush (Live)
2. Necrolust (Live)
3. Funeral Fog (Live)
4. Freezing Moon (Live)
5. Carnage (Live)
6. Buried by Time and Dust (Live)
7. Pagan Fears (Live)
8. Chainsaw Gutsfuck (Live)
9. Pure Fucking Armageddon (Live)
10. Carnage
11. Freezing Moon

De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas 1994

1. Funeral Fog
2. Freezing Moon
3. Cursed in Eternity
4. Pagan Fears
5. Life Eternal
6. From the Dark Past
7. Buried by Time and Dust
8. De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas

Dawn of the Black Hearts (Live) 1995

1. Deathcrush (Live)
2. Necrolust (Live)
3. Funeral Fog (Live)
4. Freezing Moon (Live)
5. Carnage (Live)
6. Buried by Time and Dust (Live)
7. Chainsaw Gutsfuck (Live)
8. Pure Fucking Armaggedon (Live)
9. Danse Macabre (Celtic Frost Cover) (Live)
10. Black Metal (Venom Cover) (Live)
11. Procreation of the Wicked (Celtic Frost Cover) (Live)
12. Welcome to Hell (Venom Cover) (Live)

Out From the Dark (EP) 1996

1. Pure Fucking Armageddon
2. Funeral Fog
3. Freezing Moon
4. Buried by Time and Dust
5. Deathcrush
6. Chainsaw Gutsfuck
7. Necrolust

Freezing Moon (Single) 1996

1. Freezing Moon
2. Carnage

Wolf's Lair Abyss (EP) 1997

1. The Vortex Void of Inhumanity
2. I am Thy Labyrinth
3. Fall of Seraphs
4. Ancient Skin
5. Symbols of Bloodswords

Ancient Skin/Necrolust (Single) 1997

1. Ancient Skin
2. Necrolust

Live in Bischofswerda (Live) 1998

1. Funeral Fog (Live)
2. Fall of Seraphs (Live)
3. Carnage (Live)
4. Necrolust (Live)
5. Deathcrush (Live)
6. From the Dark Past (Live)
7. Chainsaw Gutsfuck (Live)
8. I am Thy Labyrinth (Live)

Necrolust / Total Warfare (Split) 1999

1. Mayhem - Necrolust (Unreleased Studio Ver.)
2. Zyklon-B - Total Warfare (Sea Serpent Remix)

Mediolanum Capta Est (Live) 1999

1. Silvester Anfang (Live)
2. Deathcrush (Live)
3. Fall of Seraphs (Live)
4. Carnage (Live)
5. Necrolust (Live)
6. Ancient Skin (Live)
7. Freezing Moon (Live)
8. Symbols of Bloodswords (Live)
9. From the Dark Past (Live)
10. Chainsaw Gutsfuck (Live)
11. I am Thy Labyrinth (Live)
12. Pure Fucking Armageddon (Live)

Grand Declaration of War 2000

1. A Grand Declaration of War
2. In the Lies Where Upon You Lay
3. A Time to Die
4. View From Nihil Pt.I
5. View From Nihil Pt.II
6. A Bloodsword and a Colder Sun Pt.I
7. A Bloodsword and a Colder Sun Pt.II
8. Crystalized Pain in Deconstruction
9. Completion in Science of Agony Pt.I
10. To Daimonion Pt.I
11. To Daimonion Pt.II
12. To Daimonion Pt.III
13. Completion in Science of Agony Pt.II

European Legions (Best of Mayhem) 2001

1. Silvester Anfang / Fall of Seraphs
2. Carnage
3. View From Nihil
4. To Daimonion
5. Freezing Moon
6. Chainsaw Gutsfuck
7. Pure Fucking Armageddon
8. To Daimonion
9. View From Nihil
10. In the Lies Where Upon You Lay
11. Crystalized Pain in Deconstruction
12. Completion in Science of Agony

U.S.A Legions (Best of Mayhem) 2001

1. Fall of Seraphs
2. Carnage
3. View From Nihil
4. To Daimonion
5. Chainsaw Gutsfuck
6. Pure Fucking Armageddon
7. Necrolust (From U.S.A.)
8. To Daimonion
9. View From Nihil
10. In the Lies Where Upon You Lay
11. Crystalized Pain in Deconstruction
12. Completion

European Legions: Live in Marseille 2000 (Live) 2001

1. Intro (Live)
2. In the Lies Where Upon You Lay (Live)
3. Fall of Seraphs (Live)
4. Carnage (Live)
5. Crystalized Pain in Deconstruction (Live)
6. Buried by Time and Dust (Live)
7. Symbols of Bloodswords (Live)
8. View From Nihil (Live)
9. Deathcrush (Live)
10. To Daimonion (Live)
11. Freezing Moon (Live)
12. Chainsaw Gutsfuck (Live)
13. A Time to Die (Live)
14. Pure Fucking Armageddon (Live)
15. I am Thy Labyrinth (Live)
16. From the Dark Past (Live)

Live in Marseille (Live) 2001

1. Intro (Silvester Anfang) (Live)
2. In the Lies Where Upon You Lay (Live)
3. Fall of Seraphs (Live)
4. Carnage (Live)
5. Crystalized Pain in Deconstruction (Live)
6. Buried by Time and Dust (Live)
7. Symbols of Bloodswords (Live)
8. View From Nihil (Live)
9. Deathcrush (Live)
10. To Daimonion (Live)
11. Freezing Moon (Live)
12. Chainsaw Gutsfuck (Live)
13. A Time to Die (Live)
14. Pure Fucking Armageddon (Live)
15. I am Thy Labyrinth / From the Dark Past (Live)

Jihad/Freezing Moon (Split) 2002

1. Meads of Asphodel - Intro
2. Meads of Asphodel - Jihad: The Grisly Din of Killing Steel
3. Meads of Asphodel - Paradise
4. Meads of Asphodel - Another God in Another Place
5. Meads of Asphodel - Tanks in the Holy Land
6. Meads of Asphodel - Assassins of Allah
7. Mayhem - Freezing Moon
8. Mayhem - Carnage

The Studio Experience (Boxed Set) 2002

1. Deathcrush
2. Freezing Moon / Carnage
3. De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
4. Wolf's Lair Abyss
5. Grand Declaration of War

Legions Of War (Best of Mayhem) 2003

1. A Grand Declaration of War
2. In the Lies Where Upon You Lay
3. A Time to Die
4. View From Nihil Pt.I
5. View From Nihil Pt.II
6. A Bloodsword and a Colder Sun Pt.I
7. A Bloodsword and a Colder Sun Pt.II
8. Crystalized Pain in Deconstruction
9. Completion in Science of Agony Pt.I
10. To Daimonion Pt.I
11. To Daimonion Pt.II
12. To Daimonion Pt.III
13. Completion in Science of Agony Pt.II
14. Silvester Anfang / Fall of Seraphs
15. Carnage
16. View From Nihil
17. To Daimonion
18. Freezing Moon
19. Chainsaw Gutsfuck
20. Pure Fucking Armageddon
21. To Daimonion (Pre-production Ver.)
22. View From Nihil (Pre-production Ver.)
23. In The Lies Where Upon You Lay (Pre-production Ver.)
24. Crystalized Pain in Deconstruction (Pre-production Ver.)
25. Completion In Science of Agony (Pre-production Ver.)

Chimera 2004

1. Whore
2. Dark Night of the Soul
3. Rape Humanity With Pride
4. My Death
5. You Must Fall
6. Slaughter of Dreams
7. Impious Devious Leper Lord
8. Chimera

Ordo Ad Chao 2007

1. A Wise Birthgiver
2. Wall of Water
3. Great Work of Ages
4. Deconsecrate
5. Illuminate Eliminate
6. Psychic Horns
7. Key to the Storms
8. Anti

PS. ????????????????

แสดงข้อมูลส่วนตัวของสมาชิก ส่งข่าวสารส่วนตัว   เข้าชมเว็บไซต์ Yahoo MSN AIM
SMF GURU ????? 4
SMF GURU ????? 4

เข้าร่วมเมื่อ: 28 กย. 2006
ตอบ: 3138
ที่อยู่: ???.

ตอบตอบ: อาทิตย์ เมย. 27, 2008 10:22 pm    ชื่อกระทู้: ตอบกระทู้ด้วยเครื่องหมายคำพูด(quote)

???? ???? ????? ?????????? ????????? ?????????????????
??????????????????? ?????????????????
????????????????????????? ???????????????...555
แสดงข้อมูลส่วนตัวของสมาชิก ส่งข่าวสารส่วนตัว  

เข้าร่วมเมื่อ: 18 กค. 2006
ตอบ: 1333
ที่อยู่: A Place To Call Home

ตอบตอบ: จ. เมย. 28, 2008 1:00 pm    ชื่อกระทู้: ตอบกระทู้ด้วยเครื่องหมายคำพูด(quote)

??????????????? Razz Razz Razz
แสดงข้อมูลส่วนตัวของสมาชิก ส่งข่าวสารส่วนตัว [ ซ่อน ] เข้าชมเว็บไซต์ Yahoo MSN AIM
แสดงการตอบก่อนนี้:    ดูกระทู้ก่อนนี้ : ดูกระทู้ถัดไป  
ตั้งกระทู้ใหม่   ตอบกระทู้    กลับหน้าแรกกระดานข่าว -> ???????? ปรับเวลา GMT + 7 ชั่วโมง
หน้า 1 จากทั้งหมด 1

คุณ ไม่สามารถ ตั้งกระทู้ใหม่ในกระดานนี้
คุณ ไม่สามารถ ตอบกระทู้ในกระดานนี้
คุณ ไม่สามารถ แก้ไขการตอบกระทู้ของคุณในกระดานนี้
คุณ ไม่สามารถ ลบการตอบกระทู้ของคุณในกระดานนี้
คุณ ไม่สามารถ ลงคะแนนในแบบสำรวจในกระดานนี้
คุณ สามารถ แนบไฟล์ในกระดานข่าวนี้
คุณ สามารถ ดาวน์โหลดไฟล์ในกระดานข่าวนี้

eXTReMe Tracker

:: Special Thanks ::